Monday, October 27, 2008

To Blog or to Do...?

I have a hard time updating this blog. Why is that? Because I'm not a professional blogger. For that matter, while I am a pretty good writer, it's not what I do for a living (yet). I am a do-er. A man of action. And so are you (or ... person), or you wouldn't be interested in this blog or the book it promises. How to find balance? I don't know. That's right. No idea.  Every week, I do eight shows a week of a great Off Broadway musical, teach about eight or ten voice students how to be better singers, design a website or two and try to cultivate at least one new client.  I'm not complaining. I love my life, both the personal half and the professional one. But it doesn't leave much time for writing about all I do. In fact, I'm running late for something right now.  Keep checkin' in, though. I promise I'll have something else inspiring very soon!


Ivy Koehler said...

Are you back in Forbidden??

James Donegan said...

Yes, I am. Went back in a couple of weeks ago and did the cast album last week!