Monday, August 25, 2008

Doing Everything

Hey folks. Welcome to the first real blog entry.  I have always been one of those people who seems to be an overachiever. Those guys that everybody hates a little bit because he seems to be great at everything... but they also like him because "he's just such a nice guy." What is my secret? How do I do it? Well, the first and most important part is that I simply don't do things I'm not good at. Sneaky, right? If you only publicly do things at which you excell, you're bound to rock out. At a certain point, people think you must just be great at everything you do. The other part — and this one has come much later in life — is that most things aren't really that difficult. At least, they're not complicated. It's an important difference. Most things have a really straight-forward "wash-rinse-and-repeat" code that, once cracked, allows you to excell.  Let me elaborate. I'm a fairly athletic guy who isn't too good at sports. The reason is that I haven't taken the time to get better at them. What's important to me is looking and feeling my best (in that order — who cares how you feel if you look like hell?). A few summers ago, however, I was working out of town, and we got together volleyball and ultimate frisbee games nearly every day. It was a blast. I had the prerequisites: I was strong and coordinated. I just hadn't taken the time to learn how to get the frisbee all the way down the field; or how to spike the volleyball into the competitors' dead zone. Once I got good at those things, I was unstopable.  This site — and the book I'm writing by the same name — will be all about those basics. Cracking the code and mastering whatever I can think of trying to master. (I welcome your suggestions.) In fact, a lot of what happens on these pages will be about the book, as it comes together. (There's something else I'm not inately good at: I can write pretty well, but I don't know the first thing about publication.)  So be sure to subscribe and keep checking back. You never know what I'll be up to next.

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